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Enterprise-Wide EHR Migrations During Acquisitions & Mergers

Numerous challenges are associated with combining patient data from different EHR systems. As more healthcare organizations undergo acquisitions and mergers, these challenges become increasingly apparent. In fact, not only can inaccuracies in EHR migrations come with financial risks, but they can also lead to inaccuracies in medical records and interruptions in patient care—even putting patient lives at risk.

Enterprise-Wide EHR Migrations

To mitigate these risks, healthcare organizations should take steps to ensure successful enterprise-wide EHR migrations during acquisitions and mergers. This may include developing comprehensive data migration strategies, conducting thorough data mapping exercises, establishing clear timelines and communications protocols, and ensuring staff are trained in detail on the new system. We’ll discuss these steps in greater detail later in this article.

An Increase in Healthcare Acquisition and Mergers

Acquisitions and mergers can help healthcare organizations expand their markets, increase efficiency, and consolidate resources. The combination of different healthcare systems also provides an opportunity to leverage new technology platforms and optimize long-term cost savings. 

Not to mention, more hospitals are being forced to close due to financial woes, including the financial impact of COVID-19. Further, many rural hospitals are finding themselves unable to remain open in light of all of these (and other) challenges, including staffing shortages

The rate of these acquisitions and mergers surged in 2021. While they did not remain as high in 2022, they are still commonplace and expected to remain steady over the coming year. As such, healthcare organizations need to be prepared for this possibility.

However, these efficiencies come with a caveat: successful data migrations must be executed to ensure patient safety and protect the integrity of EHRs.

Top Considerations for Enterprise-Wide EHR Migrations During Acquisitions and Mergers

Keep these key considerations in mind when planning and implementing enterprise-wide EHR migrations during acquisitions and mergers:

Taking a strategic approach to data integration and migration

All data must be accurately transferred to ensure the long-term success of the new health system. A managed services provider can assist with creating a strategic roadmap for efficient and effective migration of legacy systems and proper integration—ensuring data conversion is done correctly from start to finish. 

(We discuss the benefits of migrating healthcare data in detail here)

Conduct thorough data mapping exercises

Mapping of data element requirements is necessary to create a seamless transition between two different EHR systems. This involves creating a detailed plan that maps out how to transfer information from old systems into the new one while maintaining accuracy, security, and privacy compliance standards. It should also include a process for conducting regular and comprehensive tests to ensure the data is being migrated successfully.

Timelines and communications protocols

Timelines for each phase of the migration should be established in order to ensure an efficient process. Furthermore, an effective communication strategy should be put into place to inform staff members about training sessions, changes in procedures or policies regarding patient care, etc.

EHR training

Before the new EHR platform is launched, all staff members should be trained on how to use it and become familiar with its features. Training programs should include topics such as data security, patient privacy, and more. In addition, each person must understand their role in helping transition from the legacy system to the new platform without disrupting patient care.

Further, it’s also important all staff members understand the potential risks associated with enterprise-wide EHR migrations during acquisitions and mergers. When they are aware of the risks, they can be better prepared to identify and mitigate them.

Quality assurance during EHR migrations

Finally, performing regular quality assurance checks throughout the data migration process is vital to ensure accuracy, data integrity, and patient safety. This can include conducting internal audits of legacy systems and double-checking records after they have been migrated into the new EHR platform. Such measures protect the healthcare organization and its providers from any potential liability issues related to patient care or data security.

(Be sure to read about record retention considerations for closing hospitals next)

Work with a Managed Service Provider for Enterprise-Wide EHR Migrations

Healthcare organizations should consider working with a managed service provider, like Two Point, which specializes in data conversion and IT solutions for healthcare providers. Such a partner can help ensure patient care is not disrupted during the migration process while protecting data integrity and reducing long-term financial risk. In addition, by working closely with experienced professionals to facilitate EHR platform migration, organizations can ensure a successful and secure transition.


Enterprise-wide EHR migrations during acquisitions and mergers are becoming increasingly common in the healthcare industry—but they come with risks.

To ensure the accuracy and safety of patient data, healthcare organizations should:

  • Develop comprehensive data migration strategies
  • Conduct thorough data element requirement exercises
  • Establish clear timelines and communications protocols
  • Ensure staff is adequately trained on the new system

Taking these steps before a merger or acquisition helps to mitigate potential risks associated with inaccurate information transfer—keeping patients safe and protecting the integrity of electronic health records.

Contact Two Point today to learn more about our healthcare data migration services and what we can do for you. 

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